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Whole Lamb Deposit


NOTE: This is a DEPOSIT ONLY! Once the animal is processed, you will receive an invoice for the actual dressed weight, minus your deposit and inclusive of any applicable delivery fee.

The weight of each beast is unique, the weights outlined against the pricing are approximate dressed weight only. Dressed weight includes bone, meat and fat. Choose the cuts below for your whole lamb and then click Add to Cart.

There are 2 sides to the lamb You can choose how each side is cut up.The leg comes with shanks, the rest of the leg can be whole or cut into 3 options (A, B or C) please check one of the boxes.
Dressed weight includes the off cuts, trimmings, bones and offal which is included in your order. If you don't want these items please select NO next to each one. The total of your order is inclusive if you take these items or not which is how we can keep our prices so reasonable.
Please select Yes above if you would like your meat Halal.
Product total
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Our Whole Lamb Deposit allows you to tell us how you would like the lamb cut up. Whole Lamb Deposit is an initial deposit to secure your order.


Morgans Meadow pricing is based on DRESSED weight. That is the total weight of the animal when it returns from being processed. Dressed weight includes bone, meat and fat. The actual weight of the beef pack you receive will differ from the total dressed weight due to wastage during the cut process.


Whole lamb dressed weight average 25 kilograms$14.00 per kilogram

We strive to maintain consistent pricing. With market conditions they may be subject to change.

About our Lambs

We raise predominantly Aussie White lambs on our property in Yarrawonga, NSW. They are fully free range and raised without vaccines, antibiotics, hormones. They feed on a mixture of grass and grain. Click here to read more information about your Beef order before adding to the cart. Halal now available on request!


We offer free delivery to the Mid Western LGA of NSW. Outside of that area it is a $30 delivery fee. We charge a $60 delivery fee per order for to Sydney. You will receive email updates at each stage in the order process. Please choose the cuts you would like to receive.  Then click Add to Cart.

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