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FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Can be referred to as carcass or hanging weight. It’s the weight after partially butchering the animal and removing its internal organs. It includes bones, meat and fat. As it does include bone, meat and fat the actual weight of the meat you receive may differ from the total dressed weight.  For more information check out our blog post on this

  • Whole beast (dressed meat approximately 265kg)
  • Half beast (dressed meat approximately  132kg)
  • Quarter beast (dressed meat approximately 66kg)

Please note each beast is unique so the weights stated are approximate dressed weight. The actual beast may be heavier or lighter than outlined above. The total cost of the dressed meat you will be receiving will be added to your order once the beast arrives at the butcher and we confirm the weight. Dressed weight does also include bone, meat and fat the actual weight of the meat you receive will differ from the total dressed weight due to wastage during the cut process.
To order please complete this order form –> https://morgansmeadow.com.au/index.php/beef-cut-order-page/

Whole lamb dressed meat approx. 25 kilos
Please note each beast is unique so the weights stated are approximate dressed weight. The actual beast may be heavier or lighter than outlined above. The total cost of the dressed meat you will be receiving will be added to your order once the beast arrives at the butcher and we confirm the weight. Dressed weight does also include bone, meat and fat the actual weight of the meat you receive will differ from the total dressed weight due to wastage during the cut process.
To order please complete this order form –> https://morgansmeadow.com.au/index.php/lamb-cut-order-page/

Total is usually a fortnight turn around.  We close orders on a Friday, then transport the animals for processing. Once processed, the meat is hung to enhance flavour and tenderness – a standard industry practice. The butcher then cuts, packages and labels your order ready for delivery to your door.

We offer free delivery to the Mid Western LGA of NSW. Outside of that area it is a $30 delivery fee. If you are in Sydney the delivery fee is $60 per order and will be added to your final order. You will receive email updates at each stage in the order process.

Please contact us for more information.

To confirm your order, we require a deposit before arranging transportation of the animal for processing.

Our beasts are Black Angus and are born and bred in a family owned farm located in Premer NSW. They are fully free range and grass fed without antibiotics, hormones, vaccines or grain.  We do not use Bovaer.

Our lambs are predominantly Aussie White lambs and are born and bred on our family owned farm in Yarrawonga, NSW. They are fed a mixture of paddock grass, Lucerne hay, oats and DDG pellets.  They are free range and raised without antibiotics, hormones or vaccines. We do not use Bovaer.

We offer bank deposit, credit card (1.75% surcharge), PayPal and PayPal pay in 4 (3% surcharge) and Google Pay as payment options.

Yes, Licensed by Department of Primary Industries Foody Authority Licence 84251 to carry meat. We partner with local, licensed businesses. Our animals are processed at a licensed meat processing plant and then expertly butchered by our licenced local butcher.  The requirements for the transportation of meat are listed here

  1. We breed and raise the lambs and cattle free range without antibiotics, hormones or vaccines.
    • The lambs are fed a diet of grain and grass.
    • The cattle are 100% grass fed and finished.
  2. We transport them to be humanely processed. We then transport them to the butcher where the meat is hung. From your order the butcher custom cuts the lamb to your order. If you ordered a beef pack it is cut into the prime cuts.
  3. It is packed fresh into family of 4 portions and labelled.
  4. We then arrange delivery to your door – ready for you to portion to your liking and cook – Paddock to plate!

We do orders weekly and they are delivered the Wednesday 2 weeks after.  We close orders on a Saturday, then transport the animals for processing. Once processed, they are transported to the butcher where it is hung to enhance flavour and tenderness – a standard industry practice. The butcher then cuts, packages and labels your order ready for delivery to your door.

So get your orders in now select either or both our Lamb order Page or  Beef order Page


Pricing does fluctuate depending on the market.  We endeavour to keep the price as even as possible for our customers.  The prices are listed on the Lamb Order Page and Beef Order Page and may change due to market fluctuations.  If you have any other questions prior to ordering please reach out to us via our Contact Page.

The meat is packaged and labelled in meal size portions and delivered fresh in a cardboard box. That way you have the flexibility to freeze it into size portions that suit you and your family.

Halal means lawful or permitted.

Under Islamic law meat must be slaughtered in a manner known as dhabiha. Which is the how the animal is killed.  To be Halal during the slaughtering process a Muslim must recite a dedication known as tasmiya or shahada whilst it is being carried out.

Yes, upon request, our meat can be processed Halal.  We use Warrumbungle Meats as our local processing plant and they have a Muslim who comes out each week and undertakes dhabiha .  For beef we will need to sell a whole beast Halal to proceed and fulfil orders.

Please tick the box requesting halal before adding the deposit item to cart

By requesting all the organ meats (offal) to be included in your order, you are opting to receive additional parts of the animal that might otherwise be discarded or not typically included.  Organ Meats– These include heart, liver and kidneys, tongues can also be requested – often considered delicacies or highly nutritious.

Including these items maximizes the use of the animal, supports sustainability, and provides you with additional culinary options. If you would like to receive this please tick the Offal box before adding the deposit item to the cart.


By requesting all the offcuts and trimmings to be included in your order, you are opting to receive additional parts of the animal that might otherwise be discarded or not typically included. This can include:

  1. Fat Trimmings – Useful for rendering into cooking fat or adding to recipes for extra flavour.
  2. Offcuts – Smaller pieces of meat that may not fit traditional cuts but are perfect for stews, casseroles, or grinding into mince.
  3. Suet – we can also request suet which is the raw, hard fat of beef, lamb found around the loins and kidneys? (if you would like this included in your order please add it to the Anything else field before adding your deposit to cart).

Including these items maximizes the use of the animal, supports sustainability, and provides you with additional culinary options. If you would like to receive this please tick the Off Cuts & Trimmings box before adding the deposit item to the cart.

By requesting all the bones to be included in your order, you are opting to receive bones that might otherwise be discarded or not typically included. You can either use them for your dog or they are also great for making stock or broth, rich in nutrients and flavour.  Check out our Bone Broth blog post here 

Including these items maximizes the use of the animal, supports sustainability, and provides you with additional culinary options. If you would like to receive this please tick the Bones box before adding the deposit item to the cart.

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